Endodontic treatment is also called root canal treatment. It is a common procedure to remove the dead or infected pulp from the root canal system inside a tooth. It will also help to prevent future infection from developing in the tooth. This treatment allows you to keep your tooth rather than having it removed and a replacement installed to fill the space.
The root canal is the part of the tooth that contains the blood vessels, nerve tissue and other cells. Endodontic treatment removes everything that is inside the root canal. The canal is cleaned and disinfected with special tools and irrigating solutions. When the canal is clean, our specialist will fill the area with a special cement and rubber-like material, which seals all of the tiny canals that previously carried nerves and blood. After the treatment, the tooth is dead and should no longer cause any pain to the patient. It contains no nerve tissue and the infection is gone. The tooth will then need either a crown or a permanent filling to protect the root.
When this treatment is done correctly, with a local anesthesia, it should be relatively comfortable. Most of the time, any discomfort the patient feels is caused by the infection in the root canal, not from the treatment, which actually alleviates it. Our specialist will make sure the area is completely numb before starting treatment.
If the pulp inside the root of a tooth becomes injured, infected or diseased, it cannot repair itself and requires endodontic treatment. If you have a cracked tooth or a loose filling, food particles can be stuck inside the tooth and create bacteria that turn into an infection. An injury to the pulp in a tooth can make the tooth very sensitive to hot and cold beverages and cause pain when chewing. For some, there is continuous, throbbing pain. If you have an extremely painful toothache, you probably need professional help.
Endodontic treatment is the first response to an infected tooth. If the tooth is too far gone, it will need to be extracted and then replaced with something like an implant. The reason the gap needs to be filled is that the teeth will start to move in the jaw to fill the gap. This can cause serious issues, such as crooked and unsightly teeth, an overbite or under bite, speech impediments and poor nutrition because you cannot chew well. Other possible replacements are a permanent or moveable bridge or dentures.
Infections in the teeth can have a detrimental effect on your overall health. If the infection is not treated and allowed to grow, it can infect your bone. This very serious condition takes time to treat. You should not hesitate to see our professionals at Implant and Comprehensive Dentistry to have the problem repaired and the tooth healed. If you have any questions or concerns about endodontic treatment, our team of experts will be happy to address them at one of our locations in Champions Gate or Winter Haven. Contact us today to schedule your dental appointment.