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How Do Dental Implants Work?

If you are facing tooth loss, or have already lost a tooth, you’re probably looking into your options when it comes to tooth replacement. Our team at Implant and Comprehensive Dentistry in Champions Gate, FL, is pleased to offer dental implants as a permanent, secure tooth replacement option.

How Do Dental Implants Work?

They Mimic the Tooth’s Root

The roots of our teeth help attach our teeth to the jawbone, but they also play an important role when it comes to preventing jaw deterioration. Dental implants do the same thing. They secure artificial teeth so you can use the artificial tooth just like you would a normal tooth. They also keep your jaw safe from reabsorption, which is when the jaw begins to suffer bone loss due to a lack of pressure from missing teeth.

In addition, implants can help keep healthy remaining teeth in their proper place. When there’s a missing “slot” in the mouth, the other teeth tend to migrate towards it. The problem with that is it can weaken the structural integrity of your healthy teeth, putting you at higher risk for even more tooth loss.

The Treatment Process

First, a little rod made of titanium will be placed into the jawbone. Titanium is a biocompatible material, meaning it gets along very well with the body. It has a unique ability to bond together with bone, which will keep both the jawbone and the implant secure in the future.

Once the implant has fused with your jaw, you will have a secure foundation for replacement teeth. An abutment, or connector, can now be put on top of the implant so replacement teeth can be attached.

How Long Do They Last?

While artificial teeth may eventually need to be restored or replaced after a decade or more of wear and tear, the titanium implants themselves are designed to last for a lifetime.

Benefits of Dental Implants

They Help Prevent Wrinkles

It may at first seem like there’s no connection between missing teeth and skin laxity, but if the jaw begins to recede it can leave excess skin behind. This can cause a more sunken look throughout the face and lips. By protecting the health of your jaw, you can help your face maintain its shape and prevent some of the wrinkles caused by excess skin.

No Tooth Modifications

Implant dentistry represents the future of tooth replacement. When it came to replacing one or more teeth in the past, options were limited. Some of these options could even be damaging to the remaining teeth.

Fixed bridges can be a helpful tool, but it involves filing down healthy teeth on either side of the gap so they can support the bridge. This is permanent, and if the bridge doesn’t work out for either fit or structural reasons, it could put these modified teeth at risk. For patients who didn’t want a bridge, a removable prosthesis used to be one of the only other options.

No Need for Removable Prostheses

Some patients find removable prostheses uncomfortable or feel worried about them falling out. With implants, you don’t have to worry about that. The implant will be secured to your jaw for maximum functionality.

No More Uncomfortable Fits

While dentures have come a long way since their conception, for many people it can be a real challenge to find a comfortable fit. Whether it’s an issue with the shape of the denture, its material, or a case of sensitive gums, dentures just aren’t a good fit for everyone. For those who struggle with the texture of denture adhesive, it can make the sometimes messy process of applying dentures especially unpleasant.

With implants, you don’t have to deal with denture discomfort, and you don’t have to worry about them falling out. Implant-supported artificial teeth are designed to both function and look just like natural teeth.

You Can Eat and Drink Whatever You Want

Unlike traditional dentures, implants paired with dentures or used to support other types of artificial teeth can allow you to eat what you want, when you want.

Easier Speech

Some patients find traditional dentures difficult to talk with. Even with time, the patient may feel as though their pronunciation has been affected, or that their voice sounds different. Whether implants are used with artificial teeth or to help hold in the dentures, the more secure attachments can mean an easier time when it comes to speaking.

Want To Use Dentures? Implants Can Be Used To Support Them

If you want to keep your jaw safe from deterioration, implant-supported dentures might be an excellent option for you. It will do away with the need for adhesives and will stop unwanted and uncomfortable denture movement.

How Implant-Supported Dentures Work

Depending on your needs, four or more implants can be placed into the jawbone. They will be used to secure your dentures. This option is an especially good fit for those who want the benefits of dental implants but have more than just one or two teeth missing.

You can continue to remove your dentures at night to care for and clean them, without having to deal with any of the hassle associated with dentures during the day.

They Can Improve Digestive Health

Dentures supported by implants are able to function much more efficiently, meaning you’ll be able to eat a more varied diet. Since chewing will be easier, they can help improve your digestive health.

They Can Improve Oral Health

They’re easy to care for, meaning oral health may improve as well. The implants will keep your jawbone healthy for longer, and the dentures won’t be coming loose or falling out, which can help you live more worry-free in the moment.

Reduce Denture Replacements

Traditional dentures usually have to be replaced every five or ten years. That’s because they sit directly on the gumline, which will gradually change over time due to jawbone deterioration if the jaw isn’t protected with implants.

With implants both protecting the jaw and holding the dentures in place, the lifespan of your dentures can be dramatically improved. That means that while the up-front cost of implant-supported dentures may be higher than traditional options, it can save you time, effort, and money in the long run as you won’t have to deal with as many denture replacements.

Why Us?

A Streamlined Process

Our office is able to offer the placement of dental implants and restoration all in one place. Our surgical suite will handle your implant’s placement, while one of our operatories can be used to create your crown and cap your implant. This cuts down on wasted time and increases the convenience factor for our patients.


Our team never wants to leave well enough alone. That’s why we use cutting-edge digital imaging and equipment. From start to finish, we can carry out the treatment with exact precision to fit your needs.

Comprehensive pictures of the patient’s jaw and mouth will be taken using 3D digital cameras. This gives us an edge when it comes to implant placement, as we can provide personalized treatment and determine the strongest point of your jaw and the best angle to use. It will also help us rule out any issues to ensure that the patient is a good candidate for implants.

Sedation Therapy Is Available

While we strive to create a warm, welcoming, and gentle environment, we know how common and debilitating dental anxiety can be. We don’t want patients to avoid the treatments they need to improve their lives due to fear. That’s why minimal oral sedation is available to help patients who request it feel more comfortable throughout the process.

Complimentary Consultations

We know many patients don’t know for sure what treatment option will be the best fit for them and want the chance to ask questions without losing money in the process. Our complimentary consultations give those interested in treatment a chance to discuss their goals and overall health while giving us a chance to make sure this treatment is right for you at the same time.

In the end, your goals and needs are what are most important. If we think another treatment would be a better fit for you, we can let you know. If you do decide that implants are the way to go, we’ll move on to scheduling an appointment to take digital X-rays and impressions as we work on a full treatment plan.

Protect the Integrity of Your Smile

If you’re ready to learn more about this or any of our other treatment options, reach out to us at Implant and Comprehensive Dentistry in Champions Gate, FL, today to set up a consultation.

Steven Hewett, DDS

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