
Get a Smile Makeover with Porcelain Veneers

With porcelain veneers, our team can quickly and safely give you a smile makeover by treating cosmetic blemishes ranging from minor chips and cracks to severe internal stains and gaps. Unlike more invasive procedures, a patient won’t have to deal with a lengthy or uncomfortable recovery after having their porcelain veneers installed. Once in place, they can be cared for just as if they were natural teeth. Here is a closer look at some of the blemishes that can be treated with veneers and how this procedure is carried out.

Common Blemishes

Most people know that brushing, flossing and using mouthwash multiple times a day will preserve and protect our teeth. These habits can drastically reduce your risk of dental caries, deep stains, gum disease and countless other oral health problems. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that you will be able to avoid cosmetic issues forever. Some professional treatments like scaling and deep cleaning will help you keep your smile beautiful, but there may come a point when you need a comprehensive solution such as veneers.

Veneers can be used to treat almost any blemish including chips, cracks, stains, an overcrowded smile, and gaps between your teeth. While they are not a permanent solution, they can restore your smile for many years with the proper aftercare. If they ever become damaged or stained, you can schedule an appointment with our dentist to have a new set affixed to the front of your teeth.

Dental Veneer Candidates

During your first consultation with our specialist, you will learn more about what makes an individual a good candidate for a smile makeover with dental veneers. These devices are extremely durable, but keep in mind that patients dealing with problems such as tooth decay must take care of them before the teeth are prepped and the veneers are put in place. You must also be prepared to care for your veneers so that they don’t become chipped or cracked.

Getting Dental Veneers Affixed to Your Teeth

The process of having veneers attached to the front of your teeth requires two separate appointments. During the first appointment, your teeth will be inspected, cleaned and prepped. In order for the veneers to look natural, our dentist must remove a very fine layer of enamel from the teeth. Once that has been done, impressions will be taken of your teeth and then sent off to a specialty manufacturer.

The final step is to affix the veneers to your teeth once they have arrived back at our office. A powerful cement is used to keep the veneers in place, and this bonding agent should last for many years with the proper care. Over the years, you must continue to brush, floss and schedule regular appointments with the dentist to keep the veneers bright, straight and beautiful.

If you are ready for an easy and convenient smile makeover, porcelain veneers may be the right way to do it. Implant and Comprehensive Dentistry is conveniently located in both Champions Gate and Winter Haven and proudly serves the area with personalized dentistry services. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and find out if veneers are right for you!

Steven Hewett, DDS

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