Dental Implants

Millions of people struggle with tooth loss. Whether from an injury, tooth decay or periodontal disease, some people may experience a loss of confidence along with tooth loss. Many people have gotten bridges and dentures to remedy their smile in the past. Thanks to the advancements in dentistry today, Implant & Comprehensive Dentistry offers dental implants as an exciting solution to enhance your smile.

Delivering state-of-the-art procedures in two convenient locations in Champions Gate, Florida, Implant and Comprehensive Dentistry is devoted to restoring and enhancing the natural beauty of your smile. Contact us today to schedule a consultation appointment and find out how we can help revitalize your expression.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are replaceable teeth roots that can be used as a strong foundation for replaceable or even permanent teeth. These fixed or changeable teeth are specially designed to match that of your natural teeth.

What is the Dental Implant process like?

Our staff will create an individualized treatment plan according to the patient’s needs. We want to make sure that the dental implant procedure is best coordinated for you. As the treatment begins, a tooth root implant (a small post made of titanium) is inserted into the slot of the missing tooth. As jawbone recovers, it grows about the implanted metal post, securing it within the jaw. As the implant bonds with the jawbone, an abutment (a small connector post) is attached to the metal that can hold the new tooth in place.

How are replacement teeth for Dental Implants Made?

To create replicative teeth of the patient’s own, our highly trained staff creates a model of your bite to capture all of your teeth. To learn more about this exciting process, contact us today to schedule a consultation appointment.

What are some advantages of having Dental Implants?

  • Improved appearance and self-confidence
  • No inconvenient or embarrassing removal necessary unlike that of dentures
  • Easier chewing food in comparison to an empty tooth slot or dentures
  • Speech is easier to accomplish
  • Dental implants are durable and long-lasting for many years to come

If you find yourself struggling with tooth loss but want to avoid the complications that typically come with dentures, dental implants are an exciting solution that can help keep you smiling and confident about your teeth. Contact us today to schedule a consultation appointment and find out if dental implants may be right for you!