Dental Exams Cleanings

At Implant & Comprehensive Dentistry of Champions Gate, we believe that preventative care is the best way to ensure your continued dental health. That’s why regular dental exams and cleanings are central to our practice.

Our dental check-ups are comprised of two parts: examinations and professional dental cleanings.

The examination portion of your check-up involves searching for problems that may already exist within your mouth. During this examination, your dentist and hygienist will do the following:

  • Take X-rays and review them. This useful diagnostic tool can help your dentist determine teeth and root positions, detect tumors, cysts, tooth decay, and bone loss.
  • Perform a gum disease evaluation. During this portion of the examination, your dentist will examine the area around your gums and look for any signs of periodontal disease.
  • Perform a visual oral cancer screening. The face, neck, lips, teeth, and gums are checked for any signs of oral cancer.
  • Check the progress of any previously placed dental fixtures. These include any crowns, fillings, and dental bridges that may already be in place.

If problems are found during these evaluations and screenings, your dentist will most likely ask you to schedule a follow-up appointment with them during. They will discuss and treat whatever problems they found during this separate appointment.  

Professional Dental Cleaning
This portion of your check up is performed by one of our many experienced registered dental hygienists with the main goal of preventing plaque build up. Specific cleaning procedures that are performed include:

  • Teeth polishing – This portion of the cleaning removes plaque and stains that cannot be removed through regular brushing alone.
  • Removal of plaque – Plaque is a soft, clear, sticky film that builds up on your teeth and is comprised of millions of bacteria. While some of it can be removed with daily brushing, it can still build up over time.
  • Removal of tartar – Tartar is a hardened form of plaque. It typically forms above and below the gum line. This is a vital part of dental cleaning because this tartar can only be removed with special dental instruments.

The cleaning portion of the examination is important because it helps keep your teeth clean, healthy, and maintained.

Periodic dental check-ups are absolutely essential to your continued dental health. Let us help you keep your smile clean and beautiful. Contact us at Implant & Comprehensive Dentistry today to schedule your first appointment. We look forward to hearing from you!