A beautiful smile starts with strong, healthy and well-structured teeth. However, in some scenarios, people lose their teeth through accidents or tooth decay and end up with broken or missing teeth. At Implant & Comprehensive Dentistry, we can help you bring back your smile using dentures. Dentures are mostly available for people who can’t undergo either fixed bridges or dental implants.
Here are a few reasons why you need to consider dentures whenever you want a set of artificial teeth:
1. Boosts Self-Confidence
Usually, people who have lost most of their teeth at a young age suffer from loss of self-confidence. This is because whenever they talk or smile the first thing other people notice is broken or missing teeth. As a result, their appearance affects their social life, career and even their love life.
So, how does losing most of your teeth affect your appearance? Having fewer or broken teeth causes your facial muscles to drop or sag, making your face look older. Luckily, dentures allow you to fill any spaces that are left by broken or missing teeth. This ensures you always look beautiful, in turn boosting your self-confidence.
2. Affordable
Although the cost of dentures varies depending on the type of dentures or the number of missing teeth, the overall value of this treatment is relatively cost-efficient compared to other dental practices. Implant and Comprehensive Dentistry offers a wide range of quality dentures which are very affordable.
3. Long-Lasting
Dentures have a life span of up to 10 years. If you treat them well by brushing daily using a soft-bristled brush and handling them with care, they are likely to last even longer. Every night, ensure you clean them using a denture-safe solution before you sleep. This will not only make them last longer but will also ensure they are always sparkling whenever you smile.
4. Improved Quality of Life
After undergoing this treatment, you’ll be able to chew food properly again! This will ensure you obtain all the nutrients you need from any diet. If your teeth are rotting or crumbling, you may not want to eat harder foods thus reducing the kind of foods you can consume. If you have suffered from various dental problems, dentures are a great way to improve the quality of your life.
If you want to improve your smile with dentures, visit Implant & Comprehensive Dentistry in Champions Gate and Winter Haven to learn more. We also serve residents in Celebration. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!