An incomplete smile is a heartbreaking cosmetic issue and a major risk to one’s oral health. For these reasons, many patients have now turned to dental implants to restore the form and function of their teeth. Whether you have lost a single adult tooth or all of your teeth, implants can give you the ability to once again smile with confidence.
Common Causes of Tooth Loss
For many people, teeth fall out after an accident involving trauma to the face. While this damage is often cosmetic, deep chips and cracks can result in the infected pulp. When that takes place, the tooth must be treated or extracted immediately. Others lose teeth due to lingering oral health problems such as periodontal disease or tooth decay. Whatever has caused the damage, it is vital to treat the condition as quickly as possible.
The Dangers of Untreated Tooth Loss
Many patients never even consider restoring their smile because they believe a missing tooth is merely a cosmetic issue. Unfortunately, that mistake could impact your health for the rest of your life. Patients with one or more missing teeth have much higher rates of gum disease, cavities, and TMJ. There is also a very good chance that the remaining teeth will become chipped or cracked. One of the biggest risks is the bone loss that takes place after a tooth is lost. Without the root of the tooth constantly stimulating the jaw, the bone eventually becomes weaker.
Are Removable Devices an Option?
Removable bridges and dentures also do a good job of restoring a patient’s smile and improving the function of their teeth, but these devices are not perfect. Not only can they be difficult to care for, but some believe they are uncomfortable as well. Even patients who do find them to be comfortable are still susceptible to weakened bones. Over the years, facial deformations might occur and the surrounding teeth can easily become damaged.
The Benefits of Dental Implants
Dental implants have revolutionized the oral health industry in recent years. These unique devices are made from cutting-edge materials that are durable enough to stand up to years of abuse. They can also be sculpted and stained to perfectly match the surrounding natural teeth. Dental implants are so advanced that many patients completely forget they have them in their mouths after the first few weeks. Once in place, they could last for the rest of the patient’s life as long as they continue to care for them.
Treating Your Missing Teeth
During an appointment at Implant and Comprehensive Dentistry, we can take a look at your medical history and perform a careful inspection of your mouth in order to determine if dental implants near me are right for you. We have offices in Champions Gate and Winter Haven. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.